Some evidence suggests that rapid eye movement sleep may be a time when the brain adapts to life experiences 某些证据表明“快速眼动睡眠”可能是大脑长期适应生活经验形成的。
Born ' s team said , the scent improved learning ability when it was administered during 4 ) slow - wave sleep , but had no effect during rapid eye movement sleep 伯恩的研究小组指出,如果人在慢波睡眠阶段能闻着花香,他们的学习能力能得到改善和提高,但在快速眼动睡眠阶段,花香就起不了什么作用了。
Kapds and krueger found that nos inhibitors reducing the production of no in the brain suppressed both slow wave sleep ( sws ) and rapid eye movement sleep ( rems ) in rats and rabbits , but no donors promoted their sws 在这一方面, kap s和krueger等人做了许多工作。他们发现,应用nos抑制剂减少脑内no的合成,能够引起大鼠和家兔的睡眠抑制效应;应用no供体则延长动物的慢波睡眠。